There are 3 sub menu items which are described below. These functions are also available by right clicking anywhere on the dashboard and choosing the ‘File’ menu.
Screen Monkey allows you to save your shows so that you may easily recall them later. When you save a show it will store all the clips and settings in a showfile which can be loaded back into the software at a later date. It is recommended to keep frequent saves of any shows to ensure you do not lose any work.
A saved show does not store the original media files it only stores the clip settings. If you would like to include the media save a Package.
If you delete or move the original media files, the show will no longer load successfully. For example, a video clip does not store the original video file, it only contains a link to the video file location on your computer. If you move the media files or load the show on a different computer where the media files are located in a different folder then the show will have missing clip errors. These errors can be easily rectified using Repair Media.
The first time you use ‘Save’ Screen Monkey will ask for a filename. The Save dialog will open. Navigate to and choose the folder where you would like to save the showfile. Type a name for the show and click Save.
Any subsequent times you use ‘Save’ the file will be replaced and you will not be asked for a new name.
Screen Monkey shows are saved using a file extension of .smx
Save As
Save As will always ask for a new filename. It can be used to save a separate version of the show.
If you wish to include all media files when you save the show then use the package option. This will create an archive with an .smz extension. The package will be a much bigger file than the normal Screen Monkey showfile save. The Screen Monkey package file is useful when you want to transfer the show and all linked media between computers.